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I Want a Hot Tub…What Do I Need To Know?

Hot Tub Electrical Hook Up ServicesCongratulations! Getting a hot tub is a fun experience for the whole family and will help you relax after those long, hard days doing… whatever it is you do! You have probably already worked with a hot tub salesperson or done your own research to select the perfect tub for your needs. However, have you thought about what the installation process will look like and the additional cost? Here are a few things to consider:

The “Hook-Up” cost is often not calculated into your retail price

Hot tubs require special electrical connections in your home to be installed by an electrician. If you are on a budget, be sure to get an estimate for the installation cost BEFORE you purchase the tub so that you can calculate that into your spending. Because hot tubs draw a significant amount of power, some homes may require a panel upgrade in order to accomodate a hot tub. All things considered, you could be looking at over a thousand dollars in installation fees, depending your situation.  

Think about where you want to put it (and get an expert opinion)

Hooking up your hot tub often involves running power from your electrical panel to the tub itself. Depending on where you choose to put your hot tub could affect how this is done (and how much it will cost). An electrician will be able to give you options for where to put your tub and what will be involved. For example, digging may be required in order to run the wire underground or pipe may be run along your house to protect the wire above ground. There are also certain code requirements that may limit the location of the installation. 

Plan ahead! 

Hot tubs can only be hooked up when they are empty and dry. It is best to have an electrician give you an estimate at least a couple weeks in advance so that you can plan where the hot tub will be delivered and prepare the area as necessary. Planning ahead will also help you coordinate so that your delivery and installation can occur on the same date (or as close as possible). The more you plan, the smoother the installation process will go and the sooner you’ll be able to soak in your new hot tub!